You’ve clearly figured out your audience’s pain, as well as how to relieve it. That’s wonderful!
So what would you say they gain out of your promised pain relief?
Please think for a minute before answering, because their gain is not what you give them, but rather what they gain out of using your product or solution.
For example, if you provide a productivity solution, your users don’t gain more productivity, efficiency, or the ability to get more done. If it is truly beneficial, their gain is what they end up with if they use your solution, not the act of ‘using your solution’.
Let’s think about it for another minute. You may actually provide a solution that can improve productivity, but is that something someone is actually gaining from your solution? Is someone staying up at night because they are not productive enough? Are they worried they won’t make ends meet at work or home because of their lack of productivity?
The answer is clearly no, but the additional productivity can actually provide them a true gain…which needs to be figured out.
It could be they are less stressed because they get more things done; it could be that they meet their goals much quicker and reduce their hours at work, and with it improve their time with their family; or it could be that the productivity solution automates tedious and recurring tasks, freeing up time to get to the cool projects they always wanted…in that sense, perhaps having fun or working on your personal/side projects is the gain they were hoping for.
So before rewording your actual claim or benefits as what your users gain, try to speak to your audience and see how it made them feel, how they would suggest it to their colleagues, or even how they would try to explain it to their Mom. You may be surprised by their answers, yet gain immense insight into the true gain of your own product or solution.